Thursday 21 March 2013

Anwar - Petualang Lahad Datu?

I found this pic while browsing a few blogs and I was shocked yet amazed at the creative artwork done by the owner of this pic. I wonder what other people are seeing in this and I wonder what their feedback would be. 

I just hope PRU13 will give a perfect and fair result although my hati kecil berkata it won't be... Praying hard for the best, Malaysia...

Wednesday 13 March 2013

Wanita dan lain lain


I'm on my insomniac phase this week and I don't know why takleh tidur kebelakangan ni. Terlampau banyak hal nak difikir. Hal peribadi jangan cerita lah, tapi hal politik dan juga isu semasa buat Hannah rasa tak best nak tidur awal. Golek golek atas katil pun tak menjadi apa juga. Mata ni terbuntaaaaaaaang juga macam ikan. haha.

Anyways, yesterday, I read Hanis Zalikha's blog about Perempuan dan Insecurities - the article basically talked about how normal girls out there are mostly insecure. I agree with her. We are made to be insecure, I guess that's why we're women. Sebab tu kalau lelaki yang insecure kita kaum wanita ni akan rasa rimas, ye dak?

But since I have been thinking about so many issues, reading Hanis Zalikha's blog made me think; Kalau wanita memang ramai yang insecure, then does that mean wanita yang berpolitik di Malaysia ni pun sebenarnya insecure?.  This is not a personal threat, but I was also reading Abby Abadi's tweets yesterday and I find that in between her lines of mempertahankan Islam sambil she tunding jari kat UMNO dan BN tu, maybe partially she IS insecure. That's why tweets yang questioning her back, she doesn't reply to them. She ignores them. Malah, she tweets back through unmention and with sarcasm. Camne nak gather pengikut ni kak Abby?

Takpe lah. Kalau UMNO dan BN tu mempersongkan Islam, harap-harap yang ikut Kak Abby tu tak jadi macam dalam video ni lah ye...  Wallahualam.

P/S: Maaf, jangan salah faham. I'm not PRO anything when it comes to Dunia Politik. Saya hanya sekadar mahu fairness as a Malaysian! Hak Rakyat!

Friday 8 March 2013

Lahad Datu & Mr. Mansuh bersatu?


Penat dan sedih Hannah baca dan tengok news lately. Kes apa lagi? Kes Lahad Datu lah. 

Sedih dan hiba everytime tengok dan baca tentang Sultan Sulu and the gang ni. Takdak kerja lain cuba nak 'jelajah' bumi Sabah kita? what has Malaysia become? Are we at war?  Another Intifada like Israel & Palestine? Like Afghanistan and America? Like Egypt and Syria? Nauzubillah.Mungkin ada tertulis somewhere in the Al-Qur'an that kita akan ditimpa sedemikian Baa'la dari-Nya.

Tapi apa yang lebih sadis dan menyedihkan ialah apabila ramai lagi orang menunding jari, menyatakan bahawa kes Lahad Datu ini adalah drama semata-mata. Hannah terkejut dan tak faham bila Hannah nampak portal-portal, blog-blog dan juga Status Update diluar sana yang sanggup kata ni semua drama. Why?  Kalau Tuhan confirm kita kiamat esok, salah UMNO, BN, PAS, PKR, ANWAR juga kah? Drama juga kah itu semua? C'mon. Use your brain, Malaysians! Apa nak jadi ni? Sigh.

Hannah rasa, kita sebagai Rakyat Malaysia yang bertamadun dan berfikiran luas harus teruskan berdoa dan berharap tiada apa yang lebih teruk dan sadis akan menimpa Malaysia selain dari kes Lahad Datu ini.

Since ramai kecoh tunding jari kata ANWAR IBRAHIM yang bersalah dalam hal ini, dia lah dalang semua ini? Mungkin kah betul? Is that why adanya MR MANSUH ini? Sorry to say but this video is quite funny and interesting. Mesej yang cuba dibawa agak mendalam dan *ouch* la kot.Cuba tengok.

P/S: Thanks abang Blog Serius for writing this as well. I like! :D

Sunday 3 February 2013

Listen, Listen, Listen

Pernah dengar this saying tak? " Just because you can speak well, doesn't make you intelligent."

This video is still my favorite, most viral video ever made.
It was natural, not a production video, and after a month being on Youtube baru dia nak jadi viral. All due to the lack of the speaker's brain.

Monday 26 November 2012

Boikot pemboikot?

I have been reserving my thoughts to blog for something more special and important but then, I became too busy to attend to my blog so.. Hi! kita berjumpa lagi. hehe.

As we all are all aware of, Gaza is under attack again and this time, more Malaysians are doing the best they can to support Gaza by donating and praying for the victims of Gaza terror.

What I still dont understand is the idea of boycotting American products that are kononnya menyumbang kepada the purchase of nuclear bombs and other mass weapons that can destroy more people and more countries out there.

but, .. what good does boycotting do? A campaign seeking support to boycott American products is not going to lead us anywhere near success. In fact, ,big organizations will still have their marketing budget running for them to spend on good marketing, to support the products sale. 

Take Malaysia's favorite Ustaz Azhar.  He once made a campaign through his 'dakwah' to support the boycott of McDonald's. Fine. His followers want to suppor that? fine. Go ahead.

but yesterday, I overheard in a discussion about him kantoi eating at McDonald's with his family himself. Cmon. Practice what you preach, Ustaz? The reason he gave was more like an excuse than to be seen true.

Wallahualam. Biar Tuhan saja  yang memaafkan mereka yang salah.

Tuesday 6 November 2012

Artis Malaysia

Gossips, breakups, relationship, divorce cases is something yang takkan boleh lepas dari hidup celebrities. I don't really follow our local industry's celebrity world but when I do, I will end up asking so many questions. For example.. Tizz Zaqyah and Remy Ishak were together, right? I saw pictures of her in London and I think Remy Ishak posted some pics of him in Paris. So, the question is, are they still together or not? Can someone tell me?

Found this from Beautiful Nara.
(11 GAMBAR)Tizz Zaqyah Di Kota London | via

Thursday 25 October 2012


Selamat Hari Raya AidilAdha buat semua kawan kawan Hanna.. Harap semua dapat pulang ke kampung dengan lancarnya ..and most of all..enjoy the food!!!
