Monday, 26 November 2012

Boikot pemboikot?

I have been reserving my thoughts to blog for something more special and important but then, I became too busy to attend to my blog so.. Hi! kita berjumpa lagi. hehe.

As we all are all aware of, Gaza is under attack again and this time, more Malaysians are doing the best they can to support Gaza by donating and praying for the victims of Gaza terror.

What I still dont understand is the idea of boycotting American products that are kononnya menyumbang kepada the purchase of nuclear bombs and other mass weapons that can destroy more people and more countries out there.

but, .. what good does boycotting do? A campaign seeking support to boycott American products is not going to lead us anywhere near success. In fact, ,big organizations will still have their marketing budget running for them to spend on good marketing, to support the products sale. 

Take Malaysia's favorite Ustaz Azhar.  He once made a campaign through his 'dakwah' to support the boycott of McDonald's. Fine. His followers want to suppor that? fine. Go ahead.

but yesterday, I overheard in a discussion about him kantoi eating at McDonald's with his family himself. Cmon. Practice what you preach, Ustaz? The reason he gave was more like an excuse than to be seen true.

Wallahualam. Biar Tuhan saja  yang memaafkan mereka yang salah.

Tuesday, 6 November 2012

Artis Malaysia

Gossips, breakups, relationship, divorce cases is something yang takkan boleh lepas dari hidup celebrities. I don't really follow our local industry's celebrity world but when I do, I will end up asking so many questions. For example.. Tizz Zaqyah and Remy Ishak were together, right? I saw pictures of her in London and I think Remy Ishak posted some pics of him in Paris. So, the question is, are they still together or not? Can someone tell me?

Found this from Beautiful Nara.
(11 GAMBAR)Tizz Zaqyah Di Kota London | via

Thursday, 25 October 2012


Selamat Hari Raya AidilAdha buat semua kawan kawan Hanna.. Harap semua dapat pulang ke kampung dengan lancarnya ..and most of all..enjoy the food!!!


The Last

I stumbled upon this on Youtube and thought I should share this on my blog.

Very cheesy, I know. but it's touching lah!

Tuesday, 16 October 2012


There are so many intelligent ladies out there whom are always on the go, very serious in their working life, but in their personal life, they may have minor flaws here and there and one of them is, not knowing how to cook.

So, since this is my blog and not a lot of people know this, but I like to cook! I like to try out a few recipes and most of them are of course, Malaysian food. I have done Nasi Lemak, Nasi Ayam, the usual nasi goreng and such with my family.

I am still nervous about sharing my cooking trial with my friends but I am looking forward to have some friends at my house sooner or later so I can cook something for them.

One of the recipes I'd like to try is CREPES! Crepe is this type of "lempeng nipis" that is derived from the French cuisine. I wanna try what Bridget Mendler did for her bandmates.

See video for more!!!!

Wednesday, 3 October 2012


Waktu petang macam ni, kerja Hanna dah tinggal sikit jadi Hanna nak relakskan minda dengan menonton video-video best on Youtube. Maklum lah, hari ni nak balik awal sebab nak join the hot heat questions for #TanyaNajib .. PM kita dah ready ke belum nak menjawab soalan2 rakyat?

Pasti PM Datuk Seri Najib Razak akan ditindas dan diperdebatkan oleh ahli-ahli politik yang lain malam nanti. Hah! We want change!!!! We can do it!!!

Anyway speaking of CHANGE, I found this video that was done in 30th of September 2012.
The video title is #Boleh and it was uploaded from this Youtube account named JinnyBoyTV.

Apparently #Boleh was everywhere around Twitter as well! Was looking through them just now. Quite a successful Social Media campaign. If you have a Twitter account, you can find #Boleh from #DISCOVER tab on See below pic I've shared for you to refer to.

Siapa mereka ni? I heard them speaking in Korean although the shots were mostly taken in Malaysia.
If they are Malaysian, I give them a big round of applause especially for this video. Let's watch this video. Inspiring. Do comment and let me know what you think about it.

 Wassalam, Hanna.

Monday, 1 October 2012

Anwar : Bajet Negara 2013 Penuh Gimik Politik

Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim claims that there are so many political gimmicks in the spoken BAJET 2013 by our PM. I really hope what he's saying is true!

Watch more on this video. 

Tuesday, 25 September 2012

Sebulat Suara

Mata dah berat, tapi hati nak blog juga.

I watched Berita Terkini on TV3 malam tadi dan I'm so happy to see what happened tonight. Ada penentangan secara sebulat suara terhadap video yang telah pun tersebar di sekitar laman sosial media such as Youtube dan Facebook entitled "The Innocence of Muslims" last week.

That video has probably raise anger globally.

I will not upload the video URL as it will be as good as mencemarkan my own blog.  I hope you all don't go and search it on Youtube pulak. Just read the news.


Sunday, 23 September 2012

Michelle Phan on Malaysia's food.

I was browsing through Instagram and found this photo of Roti Canai posted by one of my favorite cosmetic blogger, Michelle Phan.

The caption of the photo touched my heart! And then it got me thinking.

Foreigners like her could respect us by adoring or food, but there are still many more local Malaysians tak reti nak appreciate our food and culture.

It's a sad world sometimes.
But thank you Michelle Phan!

Wednesday, 19 September 2012

So sick of Gangnam

Hahahhaha I bet you all semua pun dah pernah dengar about Oppa Gangnam Style ni..
Well, I find it funny at first cos my friends shared the video with me on Facebook when it first came out.

Tapi lama kelamaan jadi boooooooooring. So, today, I nak share this video with you guys lak.
The title itself pun dah kelakar. "So Sick of Gangnam"

Credits to RedFM for this video. I listen to them almost every morning and I think they did a good job on this.

Have a great week ahead!

Tuesday, 18 September 2012


I can't sleep sebab sedang berfikir tentang macam-macam hal. So, Hanna nak share quote ni for everyone.

Tuesday, 28 August 2012

Hi Malaysians!

I'm Johana Johari.. just call me Hana.

I have been writing in blogs for quite a while but I find Tumblr is just to hipsters so i decided just to write in a regular blog. I love to write, and this blog is just content more towards what do i feel, in other word is to express myself towards life. Yes I understand every each of us have different point of view, so I'm include in one of it.

Today i would like to share how i love Beyonce done with her song, its all about girl, how Beyonce speak true power of women's..but guys jangan la terasa tercabar, its only my opinion

Wednesday, 8 August 2012

Logo 55th Merdeka

Wow!!! Awesome!! Amazing!!..Malaysian do you saw our 55th merdeka logo? Nice rite?..How this kind of work can be approved by our minister? Are they blind or just nak siapkan logo tu cepat? Because it look like its not done . I think ni kalau pakai paint pun boleh buat ni. Mana perginya nilai-nilai kesenian itu!!!! Tiap-tiap tahun Istana Budaya akan menunjukkan hasil karya mereka, dan siapa yang akan mengeluarkan idea-idea itu? ANAK SENI, kita ada KarangKraf, UiTM menawarkan jurusan seni lukis dan seni reka. MANA PERGINYA ORANG-ORANG SENI INI?? Janganla buat logo janji siap je. Negara kita telah merdeka selama 55tahun, tapi logo? Sedih, malu I nak share my merdeka logo towards the world. Please la buat yang baru.

(( pic creds to ) 

Sunday, 15 July 2012

Anwar Ibrahim’s latest speech : Anwar Ibrahim: Respectable Leader Must Have Sense Of Passion & Respect For Dignity Of Man

Hi readers out there, i would like to share with you guys this video above entitled "Respectable Leader Must Have Sense Of Passion & Respect For Dignity Of Man"

Saya stuju dengan statement Anwar Ibrahim, berkenaan bahawa jika sesuatu pemerentahan secara umumnya merasakan kutuk mengutuk, fitnah sesama insan dan rasuah itu suatu aktiviti atau fenomena yang BIASA (normal) bagi sesetengah pihak, berkemungkinan besar negara itu akan kecundang dan susah untuk membangun semula. Ya secara umumnya kalau budaya ini dikekalkan di dalam mana-mana pengurusan ia agak sukar untuk maju kehadapan, kerana aktiviti sebegini adalah suatu perbuatan yang tidak sihat di dalam komuniti itu sendiri.

I would like also to share my pendapat about apa yang dikatakan oleh Anwar Ibrahim berkenaan "American Democracy" due to the HABITS OF THE HEART. Berkenaan statement ini kita tidak seharusnya lihat dari segi pemerintahan negara sahaja, kita juga harus melihat dari sudut pandangan yang lebih meluas berkenaan HABITS OF THE HEART. Kita sebagai manusia biasa seharusnya tanam didalam hati dan jiwa ini nilai-nilai kebaikan, semua manusia dilahirkan dengan nilai ini. Sebagai contoh, di alam persekolahan kita selalu diterapkan didalam hati berkenaan nilai-nilai yang baik dan dari situ ia akan mendidik kita untuk menjadi insan yang berguna yang boleh memberi sumbagan kepada masyarakat kita. In other word naluri seorang manusia mesti ada nilai kebaikan didalam hati mereka. Lahirnya naluri kebaikan ini kita sebagai manusia biasa dapat menilai sama ada apa yang bagus, apa yang tidak elok untuk dibawa menjadi bekalan hidup kita sepanjang hayat. So people out there accept it, this is HABITS OF THE HEART.

Friday, 1 June 2012

EURO CUP 2012!

Weeeehuuuuuuu!!!!! all the ladies out there what do you think about the Euro Cup 2012? Do you have sleeping disorder say thank to the game!!!!.
I really love germany and spain firmly because lelaki dia semua comel-comel and secondly about their skill and how well they play, "awesome"
But I'm quite sad went Germany lost in that game :( . 

On other hand for Spain, I'm so happy that they won, macam epatah melayu berkata, "Alang-alang mengelup pekasam, biar sampai ke pangkal lengan. Alang-alang dah masuk final, main sampai menang" ahahhaahha..cheers!!

Goodnight now.

Monday, 30 April 2012

Bersih 3.0

Hi there!
Do u guys still remember the night before bersih 3.0, there was a group of student camp out at Dataran Merdeka. Who participated that night? And who went to the rally on the next day? 

Come and share with me your experience coz i have one during the day it self. I saw this family during that rally, all wearing full yellow outfit and they bring their kids along. Seorang kakak, and dua orang adik lelaki, so one of the adik had a fever during the rally and you know what the parent did? The parent kept the child awake and kept saying how important it is to be a part of this rally. OMG!!! can you guys imagine how selfish the parent is? I just can't believe this, budak tu demam, go la bawak balik don't la join this rally. This kind of people pun adakan? I sangat tak paham bertapa selfishnya mereka ini. Sedih betul I tengok rakyat Malaysia macam ni, sampai anak sakit tetap join dengan perarakan ni.

I found out from my friend some people received payment for being at Bersih 3.0. How could they do this? Mereka perjuangkan pilihanraya yang bersih dan adil, but is this potray BERSIH and ADIL? Dengan bagi orang duit untuk join this rally? I hope semua ni just a rumor. But bloggers... is this true?