Tuesday, 25 September 2012

Sebulat Suara

Mata dah berat, tapi hati nak blog juga.

I watched Berita Terkini on TV3 malam tadi dan I'm so happy to see what happened tonight. Ada penentangan secara sebulat suara terhadap video yang telah pun tersebar di sekitar laman sosial media such as Youtube dan Facebook entitled "The Innocence of Muslims" last week.

That video has probably raise anger globally.

I will not upload the video URL as it will be as good as mencemarkan my own blog.  I hope you all don't go and search it on Youtube pulak. Just read the news.


Sunday, 23 September 2012

Michelle Phan on Malaysia's food.

I was browsing through Instagram and found this photo of Roti Canai posted by one of my favorite cosmetic blogger, Michelle Phan.

The caption of the photo touched my heart! And then it got me thinking.

Foreigners like her could respect us by adoring or food, but there are still many more local Malaysians tak reti nak appreciate our food and culture.

It's a sad world sometimes.
But thank you Michelle Phan!

Wednesday, 19 September 2012

So sick of Gangnam

Hahahhaha I bet you all semua pun dah pernah dengar about Oppa Gangnam Style ni..
Well, I find it funny at first cos my friends shared the video with me on Facebook when it first came out.

Tapi lama kelamaan jadi boooooooooring. So, today, I nak share this video with you guys lak.
The title itself pun dah kelakar. "So Sick of Gangnam"


Credits to RedFM for this video. I listen to them almost every morning and I think they did a good job on this.

Have a great week ahead!

Tuesday, 18 September 2012


I can't sleep sebab sedang berfikir tentang macam-macam hal. So, Hanna nak share quote ni for everyone.