Sunday 10 July 2011

Bersih 2.0

Okay,okay, okay.

I tengok this blog, my first impression is they are to desperate to win so call election, macam this  the only one society for rakyat to bersuara. In other way macam bagus je, just look at the first para from this blog "Join BERSIH 2.0 in its struggle for free and fair elections!" like how fair can you be? They had no experience in handling a COUNTRY. Take a look on the 3rd paragraph. It's written,  "Report irregularities at or upload your report directly at" this society dan macam police, if rakyat want to report, no to u guys la, come on. 

But from my point of view, the rakyat is also trying tooooo hard to voice out something from their heart about how government runs the country, so I think the government should take further action for this movement because that day bersih 2.0 mampu kumpul sebanyak 50, 000 rakyat, for sure there is something wrong somewhere dengan cara pemerintahan kita. At least our perdana menteri buatlah satu Press Conference about bersih 2.0. Kita tak nak hidup macam ni, mana perginya Malaysia yang aman sejahtera?. Yea thats my point of view.